“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”

I think it is beautiful that the Lord calls us “the salt of the earth.” I don’t think I’m alone in stating that a little salt changes EVERYTHING, doesn’t it? Isn’t it obvious when you have food with salt verses food without salt? It’s an entirely different experience altogether.

commentator I found helpful said this about Matthew 5:13-16:

“Salt was important in the ancient Near East because it represented purity, it flavored food, it stunted decay in food, and, in small doses, it fertilized land. Jesus implied that His disciples had the opportunity through their lives and witness to bring blessing to others and to hinder the natural corruption and decay that sin produces in life.”

“The most obvious characteristic of salt is that it is different from the medium into which its user places it. Jesus’ disciples likewise are to be different from the world.”

What does it take for us to remain set apart and unstained from the world in order to bring the fullest measure of blessing to the ones we are seeking to influence, as Jesus invites and commands us to?

I believe the Lord wants to remind us of how impactful each of our lives can be in our world as we remember how He identifies us and the power He has entrusted to us as His people. May we all truly realize our calling to be the SALT OF THE EARTH, to remain with a clear conscience before God so we can be bold like a lion for the sake of others to know Christ’s love!